
Naranga is on Entrepreneur’s Top Franchise Suppliers ranking. Help us become the best!

By Naranga

What makes franchises go for Naranga? Does it really help to streamline franchise operations? These questions are always asked by new clients and the best way to answer them is to listen to longtime customers.  

As you may know, Entrepreneur magazine is currently conducting its fourth annual survey of franchisors to find out which suppliers/service providers are the best. We would love you to participate and rate your satisfaction with Naranga. Apparently, not everyone is aware of the survey which made us moving from top 3 companies with the best service. Your vote is highly appreciated and it will help other franchise businesses to find the best software for them.   

You can find the survey here or simply press a button below. The deadline to participate is February 28th.   




Bonus for participating: each franchisor that takes the survey will be entered for a chance to win a $5,000 advertising package with Entrepreneur 

Please note this survey is about suppliers in a wide variety of industries, not just ours. All sections of the survey are optional, so you can fill out only those that apply to your company.

However, the more data you can provide, the more meaningful your ratings will be to the overall ranking results, so it is advisable to have the survey taken by someone in your company who can answer questions about many different providers in a variety of areas (financial services, legal, real estate, PR, technology, etc.).  


Thanks in advance for your participation! 

Tags: Franchise Trends, Naranga News